Moving Up And Breaking Down At Road Atlanta

It was a beautiful morning for the 1st session on Sunday at Road Atlanta. About half the cars from Saturday decided the track wasn’t for them so the grid was lite. I also got out early to make sure I was the first car and had plenty of clear track to enjoy. It didn’t take long to get back into the grove and put what I practiced on Saturday to good use. I could get fast laps in the 1:50 range but really wanted to break into the 1:49s.

The “quiet” hours on Sunday at Road Atlanta provided the C Group with a nice long session and an empty track. Some of the track prepped cars couldn’t run because they are too loud. Between the light traffic and a good starting spot at the front of the grid, I was finally able to string together some great sectors into my fastest lap of the weekend at 1:49.427.

After lunch my instructor came by my paddock spot to give me some good news, I had been moved up to the B group! For BMW CCA driving schools this not only means running with faster cars, but you can pass anywhere on the track with a point-by. I was excited and nervous to run with the B group for the first time. The big difference is that I am getting passed as often as I am passing others so you really have to pay attention to your mirrors and not just look down track. Despite the added traffic I managed to break the 1:50 barrier again and got plenty of practice driving off “the” driving line.

Towards the end of the session I worked my way through some traffic and headed down the back straight when my car lost power. This meant the traffic I just passed through was now hot on my tail going into turn 10. What was a hair raising moment on track, provided me with good practice in staying calm when something goes wrong. I managed to stay out of the way and get my car back into the pits.

It turns out that my charge pipe cracked, a common problem with the N55 engine and already on my list of upgrades. Now it is on top of the list!

BMW CCA Driving School At Road Atlanta

This was my second time at Road Atlanta but my first time behind the wheel of my own car. The last time was at a Cadillac sponsored event and we only did a few laps at about 6/10ths. We had beautiful weather for the weekend and it is always great to drive with my friends from the Peachtree Chapter of the BMW CCA.

As is always the case, the first session of the weekend in the C Group is slow going for the first couple of laps to help everyone get familiar with the track. There are typically lots of “trains” and today was no different. You have to remember to your first weekend of HPDE and be patient.

Still getting familiar with the track at Road Atlanta during session 2 on Saturday. Like most tracks, there are a couple of tricky turns to work through. Road Atlanta is a great combination of technical driving and put your foot down all out straight aways.

By session 3 the first timers were getting used to being on track and there weren’t as many trains to contend with. I was able to carry a bit more speed in a few places and had to adjust my braking points, but all minor tweaks.

During session 3 we started lining up early on the grid to get out in front of slower cars and drive in some clean air. Unfortunately I screwed up the Track Addict app and selected a AutoX segment instead of Road Atlanta. This messed up lap data and times a bit, but none of that matters when your in the car on the track!

All in all, a good 1st day getting up to speed at Road Atlanta.

BMW CCA Autocross 3

This was the third Autocross event of the year for the Peachtree Chapter of the BMW CCA and my second try at AutoX. This was also my first opportunity to have a passenger. My Turkish daughter and wife joined me at Atlanta Motor Speedway for the morning runs. My daughter loved it and did great, my wife on the other hand got a bit car sick and bailed after her third ride.

Another first, was my first DNF for missing a gate. I ended the day with a DNF in the first and third runs of the day. In the third run, I also managed to take out a cone. By the end of the morning, I was feeling pretty good with the course and laid down a final lap that put me in 2nd place in my class. It is always a fun day running AutoX and a great way to safely explore the limits of your car.