Barber Motorsports Park
Turn by Turn Track Notes


Hard on the brakes at the 2 sign

Turn-in cone was a good indicator this weekend for initial turn-in to the left

Trail off the brakes into the apex then roll back on the throttle for the uphill

If the car isn’t pushing towards track right then you can go faster


Bring the car back to the middle of the track

Brush the brakes and down shift before turning right

Keep the car about a car width or so off the inside of the corner


As you come out of turn 2, maintain your steering angle

Roll back on the throttle to push the car into the apex

Touch the curbing on the right

Get back to full throttle and let the car track out all the way left


Turn the car right towards the apex at the crest of the hill

Short shift into 4th gear at the base of the hill

Stay on the throttle as you go up the hill

The Barber sign is a good direction to point the car

As you crest the hill you may need to lift to settle the car

After cresting the hill get back to full throttle and let the car track out left as needed

Then head back to the right side of the track


Go hard on the brakes at the 2 sign

Stay right for a late apex at the end of the curbing

Trail off the brakes as you turn hard left

Start to roll back on the throttle at the second apex

There is a ton of room to left the car track out to the right

Open up your steering angle and use all the track to get back on full throttle as soon as possible


This is really a continuation of the hairpin and should be flat out

Bring the car from right to the left edge of the track to setup turn 7

Upshift to 4th gear


Hard on the brakes at the 2

Turn right a bit early, trailing off the brakes

Use all of the curb on the right

You should be headed straight so get back on the throttle quickly

Medium pressure on the brakes as you drive over the curbing on the left


As you continue braking after driving over the left curbing, downshift to 3rd

Turn right and let the car track out left as you roll back onto full throttle

Come back across the track to the right edge

Upshift to 4th gear


From track right, turn in left maintaining speed

Brush the left curb at the apex


A quick lift of the throttle as you bring the car back to the right

Brush the right side curb at the apex

Roll back on the throttle as you track out to the left

Head flat out back to the right side of the track


A bit of brakes before heading from right to left into 11

Stay left as you pass the apex to 11 to avoid the dip in the track

Short on the brake and downshift to 3rd


Take a later right turn into 12 using a good bit of the curb

Back on the throttle as you go up the hill

Let the car track out to the left as you crest the hill


A quick lift as you come down the hill

Turn right into the apex of 13

Use all of the curb

Roll back on the throttle as you go back up the hill


As you come out of 13 stay on the power

Let the car push out about two thirds of the way to the left

Straighten the car painted towards the pit exit sign

A quick but smooth brake while straight

Then hard right turn into the apex of 14

This helps set the car up on the right side of the track for 15


Aim for the curb on the right side

Mid curbing give a quick lift to set the weight on the front of the car

Turn left for the apex of 15

At the apex roll back on the throttle 

Let the car track out to the right so you are flat out headed down the main straight

Upshift into 4th gear at redline

Barber Motorsports Park really is one of the nicest facilities for a track weekend. The grounds are meticulously maintained, there is plenty of room in the paddock and the main building has great spaces for observing the action. This was my first time at Barber and I had a great weekend at the track. On Saturday, the best lap times I could put down were in the 1:50 range. By Saturday afternoon I dropped 3 seconds off my time and did a best lap of 1:47.186. According to my Track Addict data I have a theoretical best lap of 1:45.5, so there is still some work to do my next time driving Barber! Check out my best lap of the weekend.