Testing Track Data And Video

As I get ready for my first weekend at the track, I have been testing options for capturing performance data and driving video. The simplest way to start was to use what came with my car, the Mlaptimer app. It is built into the iDrive system in my M2 and works with my iPhone. When it came out it was great, but it hasn’t been updated in some time and doesn’t support newer GoPro cameras. In addition the data file is .Mpower and you have to convert if you want to use it in any other app. All of this is very cumbersome.

After reading several BimmerPost forum threads about different apps, I decided to give Track Addict a try. There is a free version, so very little risk in giving it a shot. It is made by HP Tuners and works with Race Render, the software I am using to add data overlays to my driving videos. Here is a video shot from my iPhone mounted to my windshield that is straight from Track Addict:

Next I took the Track Addict video and added a second camera angle from a GoPro mounted inside my car. This gives me a chance to see how I am steering and shifting the car while driving. The GoPro also has GPS data that can be imported into Race Render. The challenge becomes syncing both videos and I found muting one of the videos made the sound quality better.

For my last test, I used my GoPro camera footage and BimmerLink to capture car data through an OBDII reader. Unfortunately, BimmerLink won’t log the data in the background so I couldn’t also use Track Addict for this test. As you will see in the video that BimmerLink doesn’t log the data fast enough so the overlays show data that jumps up and down. While I would love to use something I already own, this isn’t it!

So for my first track weekend I decided to upgrade to Track Addict Pro ($8.99) and I ordered a VeePeak OBDII adapter that cycles faster than the one I already own. I am not ready to spend the money for a dedicated track data recorder, so for less than $50, I am hopefully that I can produce some decent videos with data of my first track weekend.

Adding Comms To My Stilo ST5 Helmet

One of the best features of Stilo helmets is how adjustable they are. Many of the internal cushions come in different sizes to provide you with a custom fit at an affordable price. These are super easy to remove and replace as well. The ST5 also comes with ports on either side of the helmet to add comms or hydration. After reading several articles with HPDE instructors complaining about their comms units getting beat up during instruction, I decided to install my own as part of my track prep.

I ordered the Stilo Helmet Wiring Kit that works with my ST5. Unfortunately, it didn’t come with any installation instructions and I couldn’t find any online either. So many times I depend on YouTube to show me how to do something, it felt like a real challenge to have to figure it out myself.

Here are the steps I took to add the AE0210 radio kit to my ST5 helmet:

The first step was to remove the front and two side cushions from the helmet. I found it easier to start with the side cushions and then remove the front one. When pulling out the side cushions you need to work the chin straps back through the slots in each cushion.

The next step was to remove the plug to make room for the comms port. You can pick either side of the helmet. I picked the left side port as that is where my connection point is for my Speedcom intercom system is in my car. I was able to pop the rubber plug out by pushing on it from inside the helmet.

I inserted the comms port inside the helmet and held it in place while I used a socket wrench to tighten the bolts on the port. I am a nut for keeping wiring neat and out of site so I paid particular attention to how the wiring would feed to the mic and ear cups once it was locked in place.

I ran the wiring for the right side ear cup around the back of the helmet. The wire tucked neatly into the small lip that runs around the base of the helmet. There was no need to remove the rear cushion, just a little pressure from a finger and the wire disappeared. Then I inserted the right cushion with the speaker back in place.

The next step was adding the microphone to the front cushion. Stilo makes this easy as well. The cushion is pre-fabricated to accommodate the mic so it is as simple as popping out the place holder and adding the mic. There are even three velcro circles for the back of the mic so you can adjust the depth for the best fit. I ended up using all three spacers.

Getting the cushions back in was the hardest part of the install as they fit snuggly together. I had to make several attempts in order to get the front cushion to wedge between the two side cushions. In the end it was easier to put the helmet on and pull on the front cushion through the shield to get in firmly in place.

The final step was to hook it up to my Speedcom and test it out. It worked perfectly!

The New G22 M3 & M4

Since I joined the Peachtree Chapter of the BMW CCA I have been to each of the monthly Cars & Coffee. It has been nice to meet other enthusiasts and see what people have done to maintain or upgrade their cars. We typically get a wide variety of new and old BMWs and at the last one a couple of G22 M cars made an appearance.

The new BMW M3 & M4 (G22) are the cause for much controversy in regards to their extra large kidney grills. They have garnered many terrible nicknames, which my favorite is, the Double Coffin Grill. This is a nice play on the traditional Double Kidney Grill that people typically use when referring to BMWs. I am sure the purists in our group were crying in their coffee at the April meet up.

To me beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I am sure the owners of the M3 and M4 that were at Cars & Coffee love their new cars. I am glad they brought them out for us to check out in person. I can tell you they look better in person then they do in pictures and video. I encourage you to see one in real life before you pass final judgement on the design.

I still prefer my 2017 M2 and think it’s the best combination of price, size and performance of all the BMW M cars, but of course I am bias!